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Kevin loves gardening

Kevin worked several summers on a landscaping crew when he was in high school, so he learned alot about the trade and developed an interest in gardening that continues to this day. We have beautiful perennial gardens throughout our property that Kevin designed and planted and now maintains.

Alicia admires Kevin's gardens and is always quick to point out to visitors that they are "Kevin's" gardens. She grew up with grandparents who forced her to weed and water their gardens, and so Alicia does not have quite the love of the hobby as Kevin does. However, she does appreciate beautiful grounds and has been known to pull a weed or two, and to water plants when necessary! She can even identify some of the plantings.

Kevin does really enjoy getting his hands dirty and is known to move plants around just for the sake of moving them. He subscribes to the practice of digging a "five dollar hole" for a one-dollar plant.

Dead-heading, weeding, mowing, watering ... whatever you need, Kevin can take care of it for you.